Whimsical Witches
What’s a fun gift for a baby nursery? Especially when her family loves magic? A gathering of witches especially for baby.
To make them, I used the witch pattern from Forest Fairy Crafts. I chose different colors (white/lavender/light blue/turquoise). I cut a hat from each color, a small heart, and a dress from each color. Then I mixed them around into different combinations. This gave the mobile a sense of connection between the fairies. And, once I start sewing, it’s easy to lose track of colors and end up with two identical hats or outfits.
I cut one small heart to measure on a hat before sewing anything together. Then I adjusted that to the right size. I used that to cut three more hearts (totaling 4, one of each color). I sew the hearts onto the triangle before sewing the hat together.

I use floral wire to create the mobile, and felt balls for added color and whimsy. I added loops to each hat so, when baby’s older, she could take the fairies off the mobile for magical playtime. Once she’s done with a toy-tasting phase of toddlerhood, of course.
We painted the beads for different skin tones using watercolors paints. Our other book, Magical Forest Fairy Crafts through the Seasons, shares more information about painting beads.
One of my favorite things is taking a idea, like the witch, and giving the idea a fresh perspective. Creating this mobile was a treat. Every baby brings magic into the world. We celebrate each and every one :)
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And I love the idea that witches can be bright and colorful :) May their magic find you today :)