Winter Fair Inspirations
We are setting up our display when our kids dash over.
"Guess what? She has fairies that look like your ninja, Mom!"
Just across from us was a delightful booth with trees and swings and fairies galore. Her inspiration?
Our book!
She bought our book right before Christmas and started creating an entire world of fairies.
And I can imagine how she felt when she saw us setting up with our book right across from her display. Of course we made fast friends. And she loved sharing all of the new ideas that she brought to Fairyland.
We feel amazing to see and hear how the book is being used, combined, and built upon to send magic out into the world. What a wonderful enchanted forest!
A pirate ship!
And a hammock. Every princess needs a hammock.
So many clever inspirations. She said that she hadn't made anything like these before, and she was browsing in a local fabric and craft store, Humble Fabrics. She made one and was enchanted!
The cool thing for us was seeing children interect with the display. Quite a few brought a princess of a pirate home for more play.
We love seeing the magic forest grow. Inspiration is delightful!
We found other treasures at the fair as well.
Lovely watercolor display. I want to paint an octopus like this one.
And another crafter created this magic.
Oh my goodness, such sweetness! Even a little felt candle. Beautiful!
As for our own fairies and crafts, they found new friends too.
Babies need lots of supervision with fairies, of course. Little beads and bells are not good for eager tasters. Mom was careful and is going to put the fairy on a shelf for celebrating the season. And baby can play now and again. When she wants a good laugh :)
When a new baby laughs for the first time, a fairy is born...
~J.M. Barrie
We believe :)
Nevada City Craft Fair 2013
We love a good fair! All the lights and festivity make for a delightful day.
We haven't visited a fair in awhile so this was our first time sharing our book with the public.
We share the book often with family and friends. Which is awesome, but seeing the reactions at the fair inspired us! Such lovely responses :)
"Come see the fairies!"
Oh, and us too :)
The best part of crafting is the people. I couldn't do this without Asia! She is magical :).
Creating a little enchanted forest :)
The best part of the day was seeing the forest inspire visitors. So many people will be making fairies and treasure keepers this year! Thank you to everyone who could stop by. We have closed our etsy shop because a lot of our goodies were sold at the fair. And we have new custom orders. Like a ninja-kit. I need to go work on that :)
Happy holidays!
Holiday Fairs 2013
Doesn't it seem like the holidays arrive earlier every year? I usually make Thanksgiving my moment to kick into the holiday season, the start of a flurry of activity and fun... It seems like Halloween has become that moment now.
Perhaps because we are in the gifting world- and we love to make gifts and help children make gifts. So we have planned our December. We hope that you can join us at one of these events. We will have books, craft kits, and a few surprises!
We will be at the Yuba River Charter School Winter Faire on Saturday, December 7. We will be focusing on Waldorf crafting here- bringing a lot of natural toy-making supplies like wood buttons and wool felt. You can learn more about this fun event here.
Another new event for us will be the Nevada City Craft Fair on Sunday, December 15. We are excited to share the holiday fun with other artists at the Foundry. And we love the flyer! More information about that fair is here.
The next week will be busy at our school celebration, the Nevada City School of the Arts Winter Revels, on Wednesday, December 12. We love sharing our crafts with the students and parents that have made the crafts in class. They inspired us to write our book :)
We are very busy making all the goodies for these fairs. If you live outside our forest-area, you can always find our Etsy shop. I will be busy updating it (though things may disappear as they are bought locally :))
I also have a very exciting giveaway planned for December. I am not in any rush for the holidays, but I must admit that I do love them!
Thank you for supporting our forest :)