Win Cornelia the Corn Fairy
It’s corn! The fairies welcomed this TikTok trend with Cornelia the Corn Fairy. She is ready to enjoy the harvest season out in the world. Especially if she gets to visit a corn maze or two :)
To enter, follow us, like the post, and leave a comment on Instagram, Facebook, and/or TikTok. Yes, you can enter 3 times. A random number generator will choose the winner. You have until September 10, 2022 at 11:59pm Pacific Time to enter. US and District of Columbia only. See full terms and conditions by clicking here.
May the Forest be with you!
Leprechaun Ninja
Edit to add: Thank you everyone for entering! The Leprechaun Ninja is traveling to her new home with Jenn. We appreciate all of your kind words! We’re busy creating for the next giveaway. Visit again soon and/or subscribe to our newsletter for all the updates :)
The past few years have seen Leprechauns learning new skills. And a very secret type of Leprechaun is the Leprechaun Ninja. What, what? Think about who protects the gold, who can change rainbows, and who is willing to put everything on the line for adventure? Especially with the rise of Leprechaun Traps in the world, these ninjas enjoy going on quests to help their communities.

We had a great time making her one rainy afternoon. My daughter thought of the idea for rainbow braids, because Leprechauns are fond of rainbows (another meaning to gold at the end of the rainbow being a golden personality :)).
That led to a little challenge, which is usually solved by gluing the hat on the head. Adding the yarn for the hair leaves a little patch bare on the back of her head. I wanted the hat to be able to go on and off since her smile is cute. We solved this by painting the back of her head with a tiny bit of green paint, which looks like her hair color. The wings mostly cover the back of her head anyway.
And she looks so cute from the front with her braids and no hat :)

She is now a favorite new character in fairyland. We’ve been having fun mixing and matching different characters lately. Directions for both the Ninja and the Leprechaun are in our first Forest Fairy Crafts book*.
She even has a glow-in-the-dark bead on her hat to light her way at night :)
Now, for the best news of the day. She wants to explore. So we’re hosting a giveaway!
Winner wins the leprechaun ninja made by Lenka sent anywhere in the United States (apologies to International friends). Forest Fairies are not appropriate for young children who enjoy tasting their toys (choking hazard).
To enter, comment here. For additional chances, enter on
Facebook with a comment, like, share
Instagram with tagging a friend
Twitter with a Retweet or Quote Tweet. May the luck of the Leprechauns be with you! 🍀
We hope your month is filled with magic :)
*Affiliate link gives a small amount back to the forest while your price remains the same. Thank you
Wishing you the magic of the season 🍀💚
For more leprechaun ideas, visit our post about Leprechaun Babies and Happy Leprechaun Season. Enjoy 💛
A Fairy Witch Giveaway
Looks like the season of the witch is here! We adore spooky witches and fun witches. This year, I decided to use different colors than the usual black or purple to make witches. This orange witch warms my heart. She’s so festive! And perfect for fall.
And we want to share her with you. So we’re sending her a lucky winner :) Enter by commenting, then, if you want more chances to win, visit Forest Fairy Crafts with the following links. May the magic of the season be with you :)
Enter on
Facebook with a comment, like, share
Instagram with tagging a friend
Twitter with a Retweet or Quote Tweet

Winner wins an orange fairy witch made by Lenka sent anywhere in the United States (apologies to International friends). Forest Fairies are no appropriate for young children who enjoy tasting their toys (choking hazard).
Good Luck!! 🍀
Of course, if you want to make your own witch (or a few witches), all the directions, with photos, are in our Forest Fairy Crafts* book. With zombies, warlocks, and wizards, too! The fairy forest loves Halloween!
*affiliate link- a small amount is given to the forest should you decide to purchase a copy. Your price remains the same. Thank you!
Happy Holidays with Angels
We are so excited to share the season with all of you. And we are dancing-sparkly excited about wonderful news! We love the magical dolls that Margaret creates in her book, Making Peg Dolls, and on her blog, We Bloom Here. I adore her whimsical, fun peg worlds. I counted the days to her book's release. I tried to be at a signing, but my kids were running a fever...
So my friends bought me the book and we were all enchanted. Margaret's projects have a sweetness and wonder that had my very-young son asking me to make that one for him, and that one, Mom, please? While my girl asks for more felt and supplies to make her own tiny flower people and baby chicks.
Peg People and Baby Birds by Margaret Bloom
I sent Margaret a little note thanking her for the pretty book. I wished that I could have met her in person.
We haven't managed to meet in person yet, but, sure enough, our shared love of all things glittery inspired friendship. As we talked about the holidays, we thought that a giveaway swap would be fun.
"Let's make angels," we said.
And what inspiration!
She is giving away my angel so head on over to We Bloom Here to enter. I get to give away one of her darling angels.
We didn't share our design ideas before creating the angels. I think it's fun that we chose the same iridescent pipe clearners. And stars. Great minds think alike :)
I am so fortunate to share this gift with one of you this holiday season.
Angels are appreciated around here all year-round. They bring us peace and hope. They are symbols of light and love. We keep them hanging in little nooks or sitting on shelves by a candle. You can enter to win these angels. You can also make a few of your own! Our books have directions for both of these treasures (and plenty more).
We are delighted to share our angels. All that you need to do is write a comment below and include your email so we can get the winner's address. To enter this give away, please leave a comment below this post, and be sure I have your email so I can get in touch if you are one of the winners. For added fun, you may tell me about your favorite holiday magical tradition. For us, the holidays are full of magic. We love St. Mikulas visiting on December 5. We put a sock behind the curtain. He leaves little sweets on our windowsill. My father was Czech and this is how he held the tradition with us. Each year, finding goodies on a windowsill is simple magic.
Comments for the give away will close at 12:00 noon, Pacific Standard Time, on December 9, 2013. A winner for one peg doll angel will be chosen via random drawing and announced at that time. To enter for the Fairy Angel, head on over to We Bloom Here. Happy Holidays!
Thank you, everyone, for your wonderful memories and comments! We have selected a random winner and are waiting to hear back. Wishing you a lovely day!
Christmas Card Giveaway
I just took photos for this year's holiday card and I can't help but share :)
Introducing the Christmas Tree Fairy! She shines in the forest.
Last year, I made special peppermint fairies in honor of my daughter dancing as a peppermint in the Nutcracker.
They appeared on a forest-fairy holiday card.
This year I chose a Christmas Tree Fairy. Just because.
Now I need to get busy making the cards :)
I would love to send one to you or a child in your world! These good wishes from the forest will be fun to open in the mail!The fairies love to share happy cheer!
I will pick two comments from below to receive a limited edition holiday card from the forest. We can send to your address or a different address of your choosing. The contest closes on December 1. We have a super-fancy surpise planned for December 2 so check back Tuesday. We love giving magic!
I will contact you through email, so be sure to leave that for me. I hope this week finds you enjoying family and the sparkle of the season!
Terms and conditions: Entries are free. International entries are accepted. Contest ends on December 1 at midnight Pacific Time. All comments are appreciated :) Peace and joy!
Thank you for the lovely comments! It's too hard to pick two, so I am working on a way to send more cards. Stay tuned :)
Giveaway: Summer Fairy
We decided to celebrate our book all summer with a series of giveaways! We love to share our crafts and kits.
This week is a blossom fairy with Waldorf inpiration. This girl has a flower-hat with long green braids. She is sweet and calming. She hopes to join your home.
We are happy to send her as a gift to a special child in your life. We contact the winner and you give us a shipping address.
We are open to entries from the USA and Canada. If you are international, email me and we can talk about shipping costs (I can ship internationally if you can help cover the difference).
Good luck! We would love to send her to your home soon!
*Please note: Fairies are not for very young children who taste their toys (though fairies do love hanging above cribs or near windows safely out of reach). Fairies have small decorations. Fairies love gentle, creative play but do not enjoy rough pulling :)
Thank you for sharing the Forest with your friends!
Win a Signed Forest Fairy Book
Thank you for helping us create a magical forest! Our book officially releases today! Happy book birthday to the Forest! The fairies and friends are so excited! We are hearing from you that the book has clear (and pretty) directions! Which makes us happy-dance!
Thank you for sharing the fairies and friends that you are sewing at home. We love seeing them come alive for crafters!
Thank you for the many wonderful reviews! At Amazon, we already have 5 star reviews, yay! I was so nervous!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
To celebrate, we want to give back to you, our community. We want to give a signed book. And since our friends in New Zealand, Australia, the UK, and all over the world, were the among the first to buy our little patterns on Etsy, we will ship internationally. Hurrah! The book will be signed by Lenka and Asia. We are happy to write a personalized dedication.
We haven't offered a giveaway in awhile (busy creating the book) so let us know if you have ideas or questions for us. Copy and paste this link into your HTML code if you would like to embed this widget on your site: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/share-code/NjU5MTYyNTYxNjZmNGY3ZDMzOGEwZDQ3Mjc5M2FjOjM=/
Welcome to the Forest :)
Congralutions Sadie! Your book is on the way! :) Thank you everyone for entering!
Fairy Crafts at Book Expo America
We are featured giveaways with C&T Publishing this year at Book Expo America! We have been busy creating a collection that is on its way to New York. I hope our crafts share with everyone how fun and magical they are in person :)
Asia sewed favorite Treasure Keepers. Little cats and owls have pockets for keepsakes...
A moon is a favorite beginner sewing project- the heart and sun are beautiful too (I still want to make a mobile with these one day :))
She also sewed five Animal Treasure Keepers. These sweet little bags can have a handle, or not, and they are become friendly companions.
I added ten fairies to the collection- five girls and five bumblebee boys.
The girls together~
And the boys~
I love how each fairy gets a personality. Even the bumblebees had their own quirks that made them uniqiue. I love the discovery of creating them!
I had fun with the girls, getting to give them a personal style. I knew they would be displayed as a group, so I laid the felt out to see the palatte working together. I also wanted to show how the fairies can be gentle and softly colored, or vibrant and bright. I had a good time coordinating the different outfits to be a stand-alone while working within the group. I also used the same varigated pastel crochet-thread to keep them similar.
I did add a decorative ribbon with pom-poms for one girl~
And played with the hair and crown designs for the rest. They were an absolute delight to create :)
This fairy has cotton chenille stems from A Child's Dream Come True. I love the different texture they offer. And they are soft, too!
I play with many different materials for fairy-crafting. Pinking shears made the little ruffles on the bottom of her crown. The effect is super-simple to create!
For this girl, I sewed a little star on her hat. Simple is sweet :)
And she is my jewel-tone girl. Her bright colors make me smile :)
I couldn't get the entire collection in a photo- so much together! Asia and I are excited that they get to go to New York and inspire all the book-lovers at BEA. Unfortuantely, you need to be at BEA to win one of these treasures. Happy trails, fairies and critters!
We are planning a few online chances to win our crafts, too! We want everyone to join the fun :)
PS- We saw that our book is shipping now! All of these projects are shared in Forest Fairy Crafts. Enjoy :)
Bunny Gnome Giveaway
This bunny wants a new home! We love our fans, followers, and subscribers so we're sending this gnome out in the world to say thank you.
Our bunny stands about three inches tall. He is knitted with 100% wool yarn. He is a wonderful friend for nature tables. He is also a fun pocket keeper for children to take to school or away from home as a token of family-love.
You have many ways to enter and each is worth one entry.
- Follow us on Twitter
- Like us on Facebook
- Subscribe to our website
- Follow us on Pinterest
- Mention us on Twitter @fairycrafts (tweet this giveaway :))
Comments are acting strange right now. They are not posting, and I'm working with to get that fixed. When we can, I'll add commenting back to the entry list. Sorry!
This is my first giveaway, so if you have ideas or suggestions, please let me know. Good luck!
The Bunny is going in the mail! Thanks to everyone who entered. A new Giveaway will be coming soon :)