April Showers Fairy
She dances in the rain. Because rain in April has a softness. April rain has a gentle patter that promises color and blossoms and sunshine soon. After all, April Showers bring May Flowers. And this year she’s especially invested in bringing lots of beautiful flowers for everyone. She inspires me!
She’s actually super-simple to create. Directions for her are in Magical Forest Fairy Crafts Through the Seasons. You can create her with any fairy directions. She uses a seed stitch for her hat. I leaned into soft colors using her- lavender and pale blue and grayish tones. She was a fairy that came together in a way that charmed me. The one thing that can help when choosing subtle palettes of color is higher quality felt. The April Showers fairy has Cool Blue from A Child’s Dream Come True- available here if you’re interested: https://achildsdream.com/holland-wool-felt-cool-colors-yards-cuts/. As with all of the fairies, you don’t need very much felt. An 8x12 inch quantity is plenty.
Her hair is cotton yarn by Sugar n Cream. I am pretty sure that it’s this ombre color* called faded denim. *I haven’t ordered from this website before but they have a wonderful selection of Sugar n Cream yarn. Because I wind the skeins into balls once I’m home, I don’t have the labels anymore. And one skein lasts for years :)
Of course, you can decide to make your April Showers in any shades that inspire you. We encourage children (and adults) to look outside and notice how colors look during different seasons and weather. We may assume that the rain is blue. Yet, the colors may be closer to muted grays. Whatever looks good to you is perfect for fairies.
We hope this time of year brings you lovely inspiration 💦

Happy Spring
Hurrah! Spring is here! And with spring comes all the petals and colors and inspiration of spring. Now is the perfect time to make little fairies for Easter Baskets. Or gift the book Magical Forest Fairy Crafts through the Seasons for delightful crafting with little people in your life. Celebrate the many ways we grow together! We’re excited to bring out all the colors of spring. Happy changing of the seasons!

And to our friends on the opposite hemisphere, happy Autumn!
And, if you want even more fairy magic, discover our first book, Forest Fairy Crafts 🌸
This post does contain affiliate links. Should you choose to purchase a copy of our book, your price remains the same while we receive a small compensation for referring you. Thank you for supporting the forest!
Spring Delights and Ideas
The sunshine is changing, can you feel it? There's a warmth that speaks to longer, lighter days. It's easy to stand in those little pockets of sunshine and soak it up. Of course, parts of the world are deep in winter. Here, though, spring is coming! And we couldn't be happier to see it arrive. Fairyland loves the springtime. We collect our favorite inspirations on our Pinterest board, Spring Delights.
We curated a few of the projects that look especially charming this year. The Easter bunnies are hard at work getting everything ready for Easter. Perhaps one of these projects may find its way into a basket in your home. Or you may want to make one with a child as spring days inspire you.
Egg Pockets perfect for hiding little gnomes inside by Rachel Wolf
Wee Brown Bunny Gift Bags are the cutest! Learn how to make them with
This Stuffie Bunny and Artful Egg is a charming alternative to plastic eggs. Learn how to make the bunny and the egg with The Adventures of Bluegirlxo
Aw, a Butterfly Finger Puppet makes exploring a spring garden enchanting. Margaret Bloom shares how to make one on We Bloom Here.
These Bunny Fingerpuppets enjoy romping in the garden as well. Their little tails! Learn how to make them with Molly's Sketchbook.
Of course the fairies love springtime! They change into all the colors of blossoms and green growing sprouts and blue skies. Have fun mixing the colors of spring! All the details for making them are in our Forest Fairy Craft book*. The little leaf babies are another favorite springtime craft from the book.
So many wonderful ways to celebrate springtime! We look forward to seeing all of your amazing crafts. Enjoy spring magic :)
*affiliate link means that your price remains the same and a small percentage returns to us for referring you. Thank you! The forest appreciates your support.
Spring Treasure Keepers
Spring means longer days, sunshine, and outdoor adventures. Every adventurer needs a place to keep stones, shells, and little treasure. Asia designed the perfect project for spring. First grade students (6 years old) at the Nevada City School of the Arts sewed these wonderful Treasure Keepers.
Aren't these adorable?
The class was studying insects. Each student chose an insect to feature on their treasure keeper bag.
Butterflies were popular for decorating the little bags.
Asia and I both love the Ladybug too :)
And this little one is so original. He's a little tricky to photograph with the black on dark blue felt, but he's an awesome beetle.
So cool!
Asia made the bags using the pattern on page 123 of our Forest Fairy Crafts book. The handles were created with fingerknitting, shown on pages 124-125 and castle-knitting. Castle knitting isn't in the book (sorry!). We are working on a tutorial for making your own. Or you could use one like this
The children have lots of ideas for going on nature walks to fill their bags with found treasures. Welcome spring!
*Please note, this is an affiliate link. Should you decide to purchase, a small amount returns to the Forest while your price remains the same. Win-win. Thank you!
Happy Spring!