Happy Earth Day!
Happy Earth Day to our one and only home planet! The fairies love all the wild places of earth. We live among the Forest Fairies, but river fairies and ocean fairies and mountain fairies may be closer to your home. We created this Happy Earth Day fairy to celebrate all the blues and greens of sky, leaves, and water.
I found flower-shaped sequins which made simple sparkly decorations on her hat. We used “pinking shears” which have zig-zag edges for the crown shape on her hat band. For her hair, we used color changing green-white yarn and blue yarn with sparkles (and occasional sequins). Since each fairy takes a small amount of yarn, I look for interesting yarn that add to my collection. I also doubled the crochet thread around her dress for the blue/pale green layering effect.
Thinking about Earth Day fairies means being inspired by nature. What are the colors around your home? What sort of nature can be found, even in cities? What does a nature fairy mean for your part of the world?
The other thing that I feel is super-valuable for children is talking about respecting nature at all ages. Children may not realize that hitting trees with sticks can harm the tree, or plucking flowers may not help bees, or trampling young plants underfoot may not help those plants grow. Children are open to the idea of helping nature grow. They just need to learn what that means in their daily lives.
For us, we are mindful of nature by reusing supplies (that yarn stash that lasts me for years) and buying from thoughtful suppliers (as opposed to “cheap” supplies).
When I take photos, I am careful of the environment. We made the illusion of a fairy sitting in a flower with Photoshop magic. We visited a local favorite garden at Crystal Hermitage where they grow over 5000 tulip bulbs. We balanced the fairy by holding the flower carefully. Then we took the fairy away, and I took another of the flower by itself. Then I could “paint” the hand away by layering the two photos together.
This meant that no flowers were harmed in the making of our photos. Respecting our earth is a daily habit. And celebrating should last all year. We hope that you get to enjoy nature today!
May your Earth Day be filled with magic :)
*this post does contain an affiliate link. Should you choose to purchase, a small amount returns to the forest while your pricing remains the same. Thank you!
The Night Garden Fairy
The Night Garden Fairy is inspired by evening in the garden, when light softens to dark blue and daytime critters settle down for a nap. Colors look different come evening, and for a few moments, during the Blue Hour before real dark settles over the forest, all the garden colors are especially lovely. This is her time. She visits all the butterflies to wish them good dreams as the moths wake up to play in moonlight.
She started with dark blue felt. Then I found the bright butterfly ribbon and I knew I had to decorate a fairy with it. I puzzled, because each wing was thinly connected. And the butterflies were too small for sequins. So I used iridescent sequins and sewed one between each butterfly. It wasn't the most stable arrangement, so added a droplet of glue under one or two of the butterflies.
She was a fun inspiration. And now I may need a Moonlight Fairy and a First Star Fairy and a Moth Fairy and a Dreamer Fairy. Oh, this could be a whole Nighttime Village :)
I hope she inspires you too!

The Green Fairy
What color is Vert Pré?
The color of meadows greenly growing. Or tree leaves stretching towards sunshine. A fairy who whips up green tea smoothies for her friends. The Vert Pré Fairy.
She invites friends to her home where green pillows decorate a green couch. Her mantle is woven green branches around a collection of sprouting vines that she would never think to burn. She serves feasts with kiwi and broccoli and guacamole with water faintly tasting of lime. Or cucumber.
Her favorite pet is a fluffy green caterpillar that matches the pillows when he curls up for a nap. Don't sit on him! She knows he'll become a moth one day, but she loves him just the same. She rests a hand on his head and promises that she loves him just the way he is, and she will love him when he changes.
For desert, she serves green tea ice cream while wondering why no one makes green pea ice cream, or green apple ice cream. After all, so many wonderful flavors are green. So many wonderful things are green.
Magic is green and light and growing stronger.

She enjoyed visiting with you today.
She was inspired by the Colour Collective on Twitter. Join the fun. I look forward to seeing your colorful creations!
Fairies for Good Causes
An invitation. Over the years, we have made fairies for donations. We hear stories about generous people who make fairies and treasure keepers for childrens' hospitals and school auctions. I forgot how much fun I have creating to give. Crafts help children in many ways. Crafts carry love. I made these for my son's class basket. It went to an auction benefiting his school (and arts in schools, including handwork, yay).
Along the way, I found myself enchanted. Giving gives to the giver :)
Don't they look cute on the basket?
Fairies given away have a certain special magic :)
Have you given fairies to a good cause? Where did you give?
I am sure inspired to keep a supply of sweet little fairies just for donating. They are magical :)
Hope you get to enjoy giving :)
Happy Fourth of July!
Hello fairies!
This week we made fairies to celebrate the Fourth of July. They are so festive and fun!
We were inspired by carnations in the craft store with red, white, and blue petals. We found great supplies with my Christmas collection of pipe cleaners, sequins, and sparkly threads. We realized that pompoms make perfect fireworks :)
So we sewed the design of the Leprechaun Hat with a long top (layered with another color). We tucked the pompom inside. Magic :)
Ian made a boy that had Fireworks Power. The blue thread going down his arm is how he shares his power to make fireworks.
And he wanted an orange face. This boy loves orange (he has a collection of All Things Orange by his bed).
We have a big party today (it's my birthday!) so I better go decorate :)
Enjoy the holiday! Happy Fourth of July! Happy Fairy Crafting!
Peg Doll Swap Fairies
These fairies inspired me! I joined the Peg Doll Swap at We Bloom Here. My partners were the super-talented Maureen from Twig and Toadstool and Jess from Bits and Bobbins/Mosey Handmade. How lucky am I?
Not only did I get to connect with these amazing crafters, they inspired me to make fairies for their families.
Crafting for children is a treat. As a crafty mama, my children often see me create and send treasures to other people. I make sure to set a few aside for them, of course. I saw the swap as an opportunity to give a personalized fairy to the children of crafty-mamas. I asked their favorite colors. I created a little brother/big sister, and little sister/big sister for my new friends.
The curious thing was that favorite colors were red/pink, and pink/red so the fairies matched in opposite ways :)
The darling deer is our new forest mascot sewn by Margaret Bloom just for us :). We love our deer friend!
The fairies are on their way to homes in Maine and Ontario, Canada. I bet they will go on many adventures with their new friends!
Giveaway: Summer Fairy
We decided to celebrate our book all summer with a series of giveaways! We love to share our crafts and kits.
This week is a blossom fairy with Waldorf inpiration. This girl has a flower-hat with long green braids. She is sweet and calming. She hopes to join your home.
We are happy to send her as a gift to a special child in your life. We contact the winner and you give us a shipping address.
We are open to entries from the USA and Canada. If you are international, email me and we can talk about shipping costs (I can ship internationally if you can help cover the difference).
Good luck! We would love to send her to your home soon!
*Please note: Fairies are not for very young children who taste their toys (though fairies do love hanging above cribs or near windows safely out of reach). Fairies have small decorations. Fairies love gentle, creative play but do not enjoy rough pulling :)
Thank you for sharing the Forest with your friends!
Love Fairy
Happy Valentine's from the Forest! I used hearts for her, of course. Her wings and hat are both heart-shaped, and she needed a little heart button on her hat. She also wears sparkly beads and a bell, because every fairy needs to sparkle and chime :)
I was going to post her in our Etsy shop, but I don't think my daughter will let her leave our seasonal table-display. So I suppose I should visit the Forest again and find more Love Fairies to bring back for you :)
The disigns that inspired her will soon be available in our book (I love writing that :)). The Love Fairy is part of our collection. We received hard copies of book pages this week to proofread and they look beautiful. So exciting to see our little ideas looking so lovely :).
Here she is sitting down amongst the flowers and butterflies.
Wishing you a lovely week!